02 September 2008


Ean Golden reviews the Vestax VCI-300

Ean Golden, DJ, "controllerist" and guy behind DJ Tech Tools has the first review I've seen of the Vestax VCI-300 for Remix magazine. He seems to like it but misses all the tweakability of his preferred Traktor/VCI-100 setup. No real surprises, this thing has been in production so long I think people know how it's going to work. As far as the thing most people care about:
Now for the question I get most, “Can you really scratch with it?” Yes, the VCI-300 takes a big leap forward in this department. The combination of the high-resolution performance and a lot of fine tuning in the software mean that the VCI-300 and Itch provide better scratch performance than any out-of-the-box MIDI controller I have tested so far.
Read the whole thing here.

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