27 September 2008


Stuff you didn't know you needed, vol. 3

I have learned of the wonders of DuraCoat. It's a colored coating developed for firearms that can turn your boring old gun into something super-boss like this:

But don't get fixated on boring old camo, DuraCoat comes in many colors so let your imagination run wild!

But don't let the boys have all the fun!

So check out Jim's Gun Supply for more info and a picture of an alligator trying to drink beer

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20 September 2008


John McCain's plan for your healthcare

From Paul Krugman's blog:
Here’s what John McCain has to say about the wonders of market-based health reform:
"Opening up the health insurance market to more vigorous nationwide competition, as we have done over the last decade in banking, would provide more choices of innovative products less burdened by the worst excesses of state-based regulation."
What could possibly go wrong, right? Healthcare companies are too big to fail and it's all that pesky regulation that's been holding them back!

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12 September 2008



Anyone who's been to the Mission in the last two years knows what this is about. I'd write more but I can't stop laughing.

09 September 2008


New InCase Paul Rodriguez Overnight Bag

Incase has a new bag coming that looks like a good replacement for my slowly decaying Jansport Modus Convertible .

No dimensions yet, it definitely looks carry-on sized I'd be more concerned about it being too small.

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02 September 2008


Ean Golden reviews the Vestax VCI-300

Ean Golden, DJ, "controllerist" and guy behind DJ Tech Tools has the first review I've seen of the Vestax VCI-300 for Remix magazine. He seems to like it but misses all the tweakability of his preferred Traktor/VCI-100 setup. No real surprises, this thing has been in production so long I think people know how it's going to work. As far as the thing most people care about:
Now for the question I get most, “Can you really scratch with it?” Yes, the VCI-300 takes a big leap forward in this department. The combination of the high-resolution performance and a lot of fine tuning in the software mean that the VCI-300 and Itch provide better scratch performance than any out-of-the-box MIDI controller I have tested so far.
Read the whole thing here.

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