08 February 2008


I guess the democratic primaries just got more interesting...

My current dream is to start a class action lawsuit for Fox's misleading use of the word "News" in the name of their TV channel. They'd probably just go all "FNC" though like the Colonel did.*

Bonus "typo" from a little while back:

*KFC has returned to its roots of spelling out its name.

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And you all thought it was an urban legend

From The Hindu:
KATHMANDU: A day after his arrest in Nepal, the Indian government has requested the deportation of the alleged kingpin in the kidney racket, Amit Kumar, to India.

Talking to The Hindu, Indian Embassy spokesperson Gopal Bagle said, “We are requesting the authorities in Nepal to deport Dr. Kumar.” He said he was not sure how long the process would take.

Nepal police presented Dr. Kumar before the media here on Friday and said it would take him to the Revenue Investigation Department on Sunday and seek remand for further investigations.

other links: Al-Jazeera, Hindustan Times

OK so it's not exactly forcibly removing them from some drugged sailor on shore leave or jet-lagged businessman but it's still pretty disturbing. If only we lived in a Gibsonian future of vat-grown organs...

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