22 April 2008


Nutz update: SAVE THE NUTZ!

The Tallahassee Democrat brings word of a grave threat to our patriotic ability to display camouflage yellow-ribboned testicles on our collective tow hitches:
The Florida Senate on Thursday passed an amendment to impose a $60 fine on Truck Nutz, one brand name for the novelty item on vehicle trailer hitches that resemble the dangling southern end of a northbound bull.
Is there anything quainter than the phrase "the dangling southern end of a northbound bull"? There's more gold here:

Sen. Jim King, R-Jacksonville, said he had a set on one of his vehicles, which he described as "all pimped out." They are no more than "an expression of truckliness," he said, although he'd acceded to his wife's request to take them off.

"An expression of truckliness" should be engraved in stone somewhere for future archaeologists to discover and puzzle over the meaning of. Maybe it's my latte-sipping, public television watching elitist upbringing or something but I really do find this fascinating.

Found on Wonkette

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19 April 2008


Stuff you didn't know you needed, vol. 2

You've probably heard of truck nuts by now, if not actually seen them in the wild. What I'd like to share with you today is a bold new innovation by truck nuts pioneers YourNutz.com. I'll let the picture and marketing material speak for themselves

We’ve Respectfully placed the Yellow Ribbon designating Support the Troops on our Exclusive 8” Customized Desert Scheme Camo Nutz. Your participation in this endeavor will make possible a $10.00 donation to www.supportthetroops.org Thank You for your support. These Camo Nutz Are 8" Tall and are Colored with a base of flat sand with two layers of flat light brown and a top layer of flat medium brown.
Only $38.00!

I'll leave my personal thoughts on the truck nuts phenomenon to Achewood for now.

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13 April 2008


Stuff you didn't know you needed vol. I

What's the best thing about the internet? Why quaintly specific e-commerce sites of course! Todays subject is the delightfully literally-named Chocolate Deities.
chocolate Ganesh
Need a chocolate Ganesh? No problem. Buddha? They've got 3 different kinds! Need a gift for that special crystal loving lady in your life? How about a Goddess of Willendorf?

I'm going to keep hunting for more of these.

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09 April 2008


What Rich People have to say about mixed martial arts

This is an interesting bit of "fish out of water" journalism from Condé Nast Portfolio Magazine:

Give Liddell a pocket calculator and sit him behind an office desk, and he becomes as tightly wound as a sofa spring. "When I'm figuring out my personal finances, I try to keep things as simple as possible so that the Feds won't be interested in me," says the former Ultimate Fighting Championship light-heavyweight champion. "They probably would be, if I still did my own taxes."


An accountant, of course, is someone who solves a problem you didn't know you had. Liddell solved Couture in the 2005 rematch by knocking him senseless in the opening round, and in the 2006 rubber match, a second-round KO.

When Liddell doesn't have numbers to crunch, he looks for skulls.

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